german teacher

  1. natasha2

    Offer for a job, should I accept it??

    I just got an offer for a job. To switch with someone working in my city. I am working far away. As a ### teacher. Lord, give me insight and the right decision, should I accept the offer, because I don't know what is expecting me on that job. Lord, is it the best option in this moment? Should I...
  2. natasha2

    Negative news into good, i want to go abroad

    Lord turn the bad news that i have received today into good news in Jesus name. One person that i care about is going abroad and i want so much to go with him. To work outside of Croatia and to learn even better the language since i am a german teacher. This is my dream and now necessity because...
  3. natasha2

    Should i accept a job abroad or not

    My friend found me a possibility to work for a month in Germany. (helping older person), i will get a salary of 1300 euro. My friend worked already twice in this way (the mediator was that company) and he was satisfied. I am a german teacher and this is a wonderful possibility to improve my...
  4. natasha2

    Should i accept offer for work or not

    My friend found me a possibility to work for a month in Germany. (helping older person), i will get a salary of 1300 euro. My friend worked already twice in this way (the mediator was that company) and he was satisfied. I am a german teacher and this is a wonderful possibility to improve my...
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