
  1. Jesussaves89

    pleas eoray ofr me im battlign serious ...

    pleas eoray ofr me im battlign serious illnes si feel so alone. God pelas ehla me an dhelp em care fo rmy fmaily. my fmialy need shelaign form serious illneses .please pray Gdo helps. i feel soalone. pelase God i ebg you dotn want o feel so alone. i dotn want to eb aloen ireally really realyl...
  2. Jesussaves89

    need God to forgiv eme and help ...

    need God to forgiv eme and help em i need asound mind . no mro eocd thoughts no mroe suicidal thoughts no mroe shaking with fear no mroe hopeless thoguths no more fears.hav emerc yLord i need oyur help need your encouragement Gdo i need your help tplease help em do what your Will is. help me to...
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