gay marriage abortion

  1. Steven Bobb

    Divine Judgement?

    Curious but...we read "God is a God of love ebut Hes also a God of justice."Many don't like to admit that.I hear of these fires in California,and I recall that it seems the majority of people there, especially that area near the fires,are always pronouncing how theyr're backing, and are into...
  2. Steven Bobb

    Divine Judgement?

    Curious but...we read "God is a God of love ebut Hes also a God of justice."Many don't like to admit that.I hear of these fires in California,and I recall that it seems the majority of people there, especially that area near the fires,are always pronouncing how theyr're backing, and are into...
  3. Steven Bobb

    Remember the Tower of Babel? Also, sometimes something ...

    Remember the Tower of Babel? Also, sometimes something reminds you of something else, and you draw a parallel. Whereas God confused the languages at Babel, because they wanted self-rule in opposition to God, man thinking HE had the way, nowadays we see the Democrats denouncing Israel, removing...
  4. Steven Bobb

    I see something happening more often that ...

    I see something happening more often that we shouldn't do.I call it , "casual Christianity."It means as I see alot of Hollywood people embrace Christianity because it's getting more "into do so.But as they do so they continue to live an ungodly life and fight for that in others.No sign of...
  5. Steven Bobb

    There is someone on this site that ...

    There is someone on this site that is speaking biased political rhetoric, pro Democrat and blasting the Republicans .First, this is not a political site. Two, not everyone feels that way, and it's offensive to others who don't..And three, let me remind every Christian that the DEMOCRATS are the...
  6. Steven Bobb

    We have a bad president in the ...

    We have a bad president in the States who is very biased and caters to and kisses up to those on the same side of the political fence as him, lefties if you know what I mean. He also continually knocks the other side{of which I am one,so I find it offensive>} has disdain for the former president...
  7. Steven Bobb

    We have a new tactic on Satans ...

    We have a new tactic on Satans part now--remember how Judas was one of the disciples, yet all the while was against Jesus? Well the modern version of it,nowadays we may not have "disciples" who sell out for 30 pieces of silver but instead we have Christians who vote for a party that backs gay...
  8. Steven Bobb

    If Biden wins that's a shoo-in for ...

    If Biden wins that's a shoo-in for the Antichrist--the same agenda, overriding all Gods laws, gay "marriage" abortion , religious persecution--Keep in prayer!!
  9. Steven Bobb

    We have an election coming up--some would ...

    We have an election coming up--some would say politics have nothing to do with our spirituality,but in a way it does--we have a party that's plugging for {and condones,even eggs them on}--gay marriage, abortion , etc. The other party is more conservative , and is in general not behind those...
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