Health of my stomach and dental flesh.
No gastritis, acid reflux and similar.
No pain, swellings, inflammations in my dental flesh.
Please no stinky trains. This is unbelievable!!! Toilett odour is unbearable. Super old (at least ### years) and stinky. Lord please let this railway company...
country: croatia
dental flesh
hot water
loud cell phones
non smokers
one other teacher
pain swellings
railway company
unbelievable toilet odor
I am going on a trip tomorrow morning.
Please pray that I will use time in a fantastic way.
No wasting time.
That God will give me more time/expand my time to do everything I need to do and pack all I need to pack.
No anxiety while packing/connected to packing.
boat ship transportation
country: croatia
frustration anger sadness
good company
good helpful people
health energy vitality vision
high blood pressure
restaurant music dance fun
unknown marriage candidate
Everything around my menstrual cycle and period to be healthy, normal, moderate, and harmonious. No excessive period and no repeating period in a short time. No pain, unease, nausea, etc. No depression or emotional overeating. Premenopause. Thank you.
Also no gastritis, acid reflux, heartburn, etc.
country: croatia
emotional overeating premenopause
excessive period
menstrual cycle
pain unease nausea
repeating period
short time
This morning: To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room in Jesus name. No lateness of the train. No evil energies from the ### and all other workers/pupils.
Also the woman behind me on the train is very restless and makes irritating noise with papers etc. I want to relax and concentrate on...
country: croatia
evil energies
other health issue
other irritations
other people
other workers pupils
right path
teachers room
work classes
Health and healing in my whole body, especially
Breathing tubes (bronchees irritation, mucus caughing out sometimes, allergy or lingering virus?)
Digestive organs and tubes (gastritis, acid reflux/heartburn, bitterness in my mouth, dryness, sometimes urge to vomit combined with caughing...)
Health of my stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis, acid reflux or heartburn.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Strong healthy luxuriant voluminous thick dense hair like it used to be year ago.
No falling off.
Healthy eyes.
No cataract or glaucoma.
Excellent 20/20 vision.
Clear vision.
Good diggestion.
No nausea in stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis, acid reflux, heart burn.
No pms.
Regular menstrual cycle. (28-30 days, not more or less)
My period finaly coming.
Menopause without symptoms.
Normal stomach acid.
Good diggestion.
No gastritis, acid reflux or heart burn.
Normal breathing.
Relaxed body, mind, soul.
No fears or anxiety.
Joy, health, peace, excitement, prosperity, motivation, inspiration.
body mind soul
country: croatia
heart burn
joy health peace excitement prosperity motivation inspiration
normal stomach acid good digestion
Stomach healed.
No gastritis, acid reflux or heart burn.
Possible ulcers and all lines healed in gastrointestinal system.
No generational sicknesses like diverticulitis or collitis.
No pain, irritation or inflammation in my stomach, no feeling of boiling.
Best eating, sleeping, walking and...
body self discipline
country: croatia
gastrointestinal system
generational sicknesses
good mood health strength optimism positivity
heart burn
pain irritation
possible ulcers
self control
Pain inflammation, cyst, carrhies, swelling, plaque, anything that is not of God in my mouth, dental flesh, teeth let it be plucked out, and planted into the sea, let it be flushed out from my body in Jesus name, amen.
I rebuke any gastrointestinal desease and curse.
I rebuke gastritis, acid...
Please pray that people will stop making noise in the appartement next door. LIke somebody is playing with the ball in a condo.
Healed everything in my mouth and stomach, no gastritis/acid reflux, no tension, no anxiety (generational or emotional)...