gall stones

  1. Srilaxmi.

    Prayer for Good Health

    Tomorrow I am going for doctor's checkup regarding gall stones. Let our Lord guide Doctor's treatment. In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray. Amen.
  2. Ralalfex


    I ask that God shows me mercy and reverse every negativity in my life and those of my children. Father reverse sickle celll in the lives of Moyinoluwa and Ireoluwa. Cause gall stones to drop off Moyinoluwa's system. Cause Oluwanifemi to experience supernatural speed and extraordinary excellence...
  3. Plastomeo

    Dear bro prakash please take care of ...

    Dear bro prakash please take care of my health I am suffering from gall stones please i pray to that the stone comes out naturally Pray take care of my daughter's and husband health please keep them safe and healthy and protect them always Please take care of my parents health keep them safe n...
  4. Karand

    Pray for my wife to come back and my sickness to heal.

    My wife left me on 2nd January 2023, i am left alone. Since 22 January i am very sick. It was a physical trauma, due to drinks, worries, stress, depression all in one, tobgirgrt ger memories. My heart is 27%, my pancreas is swelling, gall stones and sludge blockage is there. I lost 22 kgs of...
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