Lawlessness and perverseness prevails in Singapore, idolatry and Pegan worship, sexual immortality, false prophets, government oppressing the locals but favor foreigners. Discrimination prevails among local and the Singapore law is perverse by removing the gay law which was a law kept from the...
60k unemployed singaporean
christian organization
colonial times
country: singapore
false prophets government
pagan worship sexual immortality
seasonal employment
sex services
sexual services
Pray for PAP to be removed during the next upcoming election as they had betrayed Singapore and Singaporeans by bringing foreigners into the country to steal our jobs as thieves and treated as priority and will not be succumb to unfavorable working condition with full time permanent jobs...
cheaper foreigner
contract jobs
country: singapore
inhumane working condition
next upcoming election
sad thing
skillsfuture course
unfair employment treatment
working hours