full hope

  1. Anonymous

    I have full hope and faith that ...

    I have full hope and faith that I will be healed from this HIV, please join your faith with mine let’s beg God for my healing.
  2. Anonymous

    Pray for my family

    Praise the Lord who is the Father of all of us. O prophet,pray for parents, they are suffering for many years. So they may be healed. Pray for me, I'm suffering form abnormal menstruation. Pray for family so that we may live happily and peacefully. And I request you to pray for my aim to become...
  3. Orkin

    Dearest loving miraculous lord , Thank you ...

    Dearest loving miraculous lord , Thank you for this beautiful day , thank you for ur loving to me nd everybody out here .. I m blessed and grateful so much I m blessed beyond I can get .. Dear lord I m here praying for Afghanistan plse take them out from troubles , please do not separate from...
  4. Empridan

    Prayer for a sick unborn baby

    O Lord of all, You alone intimately know the little one My daughter carries. You are the creator, the author of all life, your touch can transform, heal and restore. Please touch this little life now that she carries and bring wholeness and life to him. Just one touch from your eternal hand of...
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