Been experiencing strange chest pains for the past week or so when this attacks and abuse started from this mental stalking person filling false claims against us and the insurance. Vindicate us Lord, have mercy on us and turn this all around and heal us by your mighty Protecting Blood Covering...
country: unknown
false claims
heavenly father
law praises
mental stalking person
mighty protecting blood
past week
pi attorney
strange chest pains
Dear Lord I come to you today begging that you please heal Tylers Mom. I pray her masses are non cancerous and I pray they are removable. I pray that her pain goes away and her health is restored to its full extent. Please hear my prayer. I humbly ask for healing In Jesus mighty name AMEN.
Help to fight all this and get this to those in authority on these scam artists they're not going to get away with their check and gift card scams fraud Lord. You fight them with fire and convict them all to salvation and they be caught and condemned to the full extent of the law. Amen
So much devastation happening in the world Lord have mercy on all these innocent victims and family. This world really needs Jesus, may they get the full extent of the law. Please help and protect us all
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
—John 15:13 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Words communicate and explain. We can tell someone we love them. We can explain how precious they are to us. Actions validate and confirm. When we sacrifice our...
country: reserved
greater love
holy bible new international version
international bible society
john 15 13 kjv thoughts
loving sacrifice
scripture quotations
verse words
zondervan publishing house
My Lord Help we pray and favor mercy and victory with the court that it goes in Our Favor soon please Lord work this on my behalf and compensate soon to the Full extent of Your Justice that your enemies Not get away with their Lies. Victory my Lord and in Everything Your Blood covers this All...