free mason

  1. Kindane

    Prayers for divine separation unless God gets ...

    Prayers for divine separation unless God gets them to renounce oaths and covenants from my family who chose to join free mason and my grandfathers and grandmothers families and for Jesus to break and reverse all the things it has taken and destroyed in my life also praying that my occultist God...
  2. Gwethas

    My prayer request Pastor. My guy is ...

    My prayer request Pastor. My guy is into free Mason and he's so proud of it. My heart bleeds and am very sad to me. This revelation he revealed to me and said the church is corrupt so he's not going to church. He requested for a study bible and I bought it for him. Pastor this is my most prayer...
  3. Chips

    Hello family, I hope everyone is doing ...

    Hello family, I hope everyone is doing well. I need your prayers. I am a Pastor and I work for an Accounting Firm as An Administrator. But I have started having problems with my superiors they have stopped talking to me. so two weeks ago they called me to say the they were going to fire me but...
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