My name is yuvaraj k, i unwantedly joined some part time job on online work.i did not aware it's fraud company. They cheated me some 30,000 rs by online. I given complaint also but that person who cheated me now telling I have cheated some 50,000 rupees. So i got afraid of him . So pls pray for...
I had a prayer request I am Lema Dcosta from Goa I am going to start a new food n grocery delivery business. Next week I am going to do the payment. I want my delivery business to be successful and I hope that the company is not a fraud company and the main franchise office is in Kochi, Kerala...
am lema dcosta
country: india
kochi kerala
main franchise office
new food n grocery delivery business
successful business start
Please pray for me. My money is scammed by fraud company . 2.22,355 INR. Please do prayer as I get back whole my money. May God does miracles in my life.