form dementia

  1. Shriehill

    praise report and request

    i recived healign in my teeth whiel in prayer. my reques tis that me and my grandma and hwoever too els eou the to be free form insulin resistacne diabetes flehs eatign bacteria. SKIN TAG need helaign urgently as it is blakc for my granmda. need mriacle healign of her skin tag Lord pleas ein the...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lord God almighty please take away this ...

    Lord God almighty please take away this metabolic acidosis and all my health issues. Lord pleas heal my grandma Lor dpleas ehla my mom and ad please help us out of depression hoplessness and just constant sorrow. pleas ehave emrcy. help us do what is pleaseing to you pleas make it easier to...
  3. Jesussaves89

    plea seprax fo ry grandma who is ...

    plea seprax fo ry grandma who is suffeirng deeply form small bowel obstruciton disorder diareahea for years. very painful for her. bedriddenf ro years. me and my moma re her caregivers.LOr dhlp Us PLease!! pleas ehal Schnieder Vilmsonésbowels digestion. take away tumours pelas eplease !!! please...
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