i pray for the gout evidenced by swollen foot toes to be healed in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.Devine health is my right and privilege as a citizen of zion. The devil is wasting time on me. AMEN
Heavenly Father, I come to You in prayer, asking for Your hand of healing to be upon my dad. I pray that You will heal his foot toes and bones and that he never has to go to the hospital again. ty ijn amen
Heavenly Father, I come to You in prayer, asking for Your hand of healing to be upon my dad. I pray that You will heal his foot toes and bones and that he never has to go to the hospital again. ty ijn amen
Heavenly Father, I come to You in prayer, asking for Your hand of healing to be upon my dad. I pray that You will heal his foot toes and bones and that he never has to go to the hospital again. ty ijn amen
Heavenly Father, I come to You in prayer, asking for Your hand of healing to be upon my dad. I pray that You will heal his foot toes and bones and that he never has to go to the hospital again. ty ijn amen