following problems

  1. Orianimmer

    I have the following problems : 1. ...

    I have the following problems : 1. Diabetes for 6years 2. Hypertension 3. Eye sight, gastritis, arthritis and back pain.
  2. Skewaza

    Pastor, I Philip. D. Ward like to ...

    Pastor, I Philip. D. Ward like to bring these following problems trusting God's Guidance & Blessings To Overcome All The Problems I am Facing. 1) Pressure From R/C To Follow Their Ungodly Practices. Family Members Non Co operations. 2) Aged 67 yrs, Unemployed, Financial Crisis, Left Alone...
  3. Nornor

    I am a 56yrs old woman from ...

    I am a 56yrs old woman from South Africa with the following problems 1.painful left ear 2.Pain below my left breast 3.Painful left knee 4.painful left ankle and heel
  4. Hernebray

    Please pray for me I have the ...

    Please pray for me I have the following problems severe backache painful shoulders knees feet tinnitus heartburn
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