financial load

  1. Thurbeth

    Prayer for new job

    Dear Heavenly Father I have recently attended an interview and I pray that I will be offered the job with a higher salary so that it can help to lighten the financial load. In Jesus name Amen
  2. Aparchologeo

    ostomy problems

    I'm going to bed now. This is my 2nd bag change today, and the 5th or so bag in the last 3 days—my medical device/ostomy bag I am usually able to make last near a week, I do not know why it will not stick/work. My family is not insured and all my medical products need to be paid for out of...
  3. Tirald


    Dearest Lord Jesus, Pray me out by giving me a sound Health recovery/active working and sound memory to boost my creativity. Give me directions towards actualising/realising my purpose on earth, especially my Call-divine alignment. Restructure my financial /credit record to help me build up my...
  4. Tirald

    Dearest Lord Jesus, Pray me out by ...

    Dearest Lord Jesus, Pray me out by giving me a sound Health recovery/active working and sound memory to boost my creativity. Give me directions towards actualising/realising my purpose on earth, especially my Call-divine alignment. Restructure my financial /credit record to help me build up my...
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