field worker

  1. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - North Korea

    Susan, a field worker in a country bordering North Korea, is asking for prayers of protection as surveillance increases due to the pandemic. Please pray for Open Door's field workers in countries bordering North Korea as they continue to serve the secret church. Thanks so much for praying...
  2. Wylandadh

    Pray please for the Chibok girls of Nigeria who were kidnapped by Boko Haram 7 years ago, 7 years of agony for them and their families

    Friends, April 14 marks seven years since Boko Haram stormed the Chibok Girl's State Secondary School, where 275 girls had gathered to take an exam. 84 months 365 weeks 2,557 days. Parents of these precious girls will commenorate the event that changed their lives foreer amid an atmosphere...
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