fervent effectual

  1. Anonymous

    Good afternoon my brother's and sisters I ...

    Good afternoon my brother's and sisters I hope your Christmas break went well and for those who are struggling physically Spiritually emotionally or mentally Or maybe financially My encouragement to us is keep persevering despite your circumstances Talk to someone The lord says cast your cares...
  2. Rhaslorgor

    Broken truck

    Please pray that the truck we have been using will be fixed so we can drive to purchase another vehicle since all of ours went to car heaven and we have to start over. Please pray that the Lord will guide the mechanics to fix it completely this time. Thank you very much for your fervent...
  3. Visionary1


    I absolutely adore God, especially for His faithfulness in answering our prayers. Certainly He answers many of our prayers in secret; but it's something to behold when He answers our prayers out loud and in public, particularly our intercessory prayers,Once more and again, "Wisdom is justified...
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