father james sleep

  1. Carols

    Pray request for sleep healing.

    My father James 70yrs old. He has insomania. He can't sleep at night. Wakes up every time at night. Cos of not able to sleep. He's not feeling comfortable to sleep postion. Even if he try to change or adjust his sleeping position. Still he unable to sleep his desire sleep position.. nether he's...
  2. Carols

    Sleep healing. Leg healing

    My father James 70yrs old. Since he's ortho operation. On 31st July. Till now he's not able to sleep peacefully. Day or night . He can't sleep in bed. Just for a while he sleeps in bed. Not more than that. Not even for half an hour he sleeps in bed. Unable to sleep in bed. He sleeps in chair...
  3. Carols

    Healing for my father

    My father James 70yrs old.. he's having difficult in sleeping.. he can't sleep in bed he sits in sofa and sleeps by holding his strecher. He had Ortho operation on July. Since then he's having difficult in sleeping. As he's leg pains. When he move too much. Pray for my father James sleep...
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