father hallelujah

  1. MSC Prayers

    Prayer Request

    Please pray for me, my coresidents, my caregivers, and all of my and all of their family members and loved ones, friends and acquaintances, enemies, and anybody else The Holy Spirit places on our hearts to pray for. May God's Will Be Done. May God Bless you for spending time in prayer. I ask...
  2. MSC Prayers

    Prayer Request

    Please pray for ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
  3. MSC Prayers

    Prayer Request

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Praise The Lord! May God Richly Bless you all for spending time in prayer. Please pray for me and ask that God's Will is being done in my life, and in the lives of all of my family members, loved ones, friends, co-residents, caretakers and caregivers, and...
  4. MSC Prayers

    Late Friday Afternoon Prayer Request

    Praise The Lord! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm going through some 'interesting' times. Please pray for all of my family members, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, coresidents, caretakers, neighbors, and everyone and everything The Holy Spirit places on my heart...
  5. MSC Prayers

    Prayer Request

    Praise The Lord! Thank You Father! Praise God! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Thank you for all the praying you've been doing for me and my dog. This might not sound like good news, but, it is. God has provided me with the means to get my dog, ###, an elderly dog with a serious heart...
  6. MSC Prayers

    Prayer Request

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me and my spiritual, physical, mental/emotional, cognitive, and financial health. May God's Will Be Done in my life. Please pray for all of our family members, friends, acquaintances, loved ones, and my elderly and sick dog. May God's Will Be...
  7. Penai

    Respected Father, Hallelujah My Name is Saurav ...

    Respected Father, Hallelujah My Name is Saurav Sandheer from India I would like share my problem that I am jobless from last year, I continuously trying for job but couldn't get till now. My present condition is very worst either I do not have money to survive further, I am in depression cause I...
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