father abba daddy

  1. Bhuorin


    Father God I ask in Jesus Name That You Would Reach Out With Your Righteous Right Hand and Resolve The Constant Itch Across my Body.I ask this Father, Abba, Daddy in Jesus Name Amen.THEY Will be Done.!!
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    "For Today" my dedication of this day to You Father in Jesus's Name may i redeem the time & accomplish exactly what You God would have me to as needed

    i have my "to do" list but i am very tired from allergies that wear me down & not much sleep last night too please help me God to accomplish what You Know that i must to have successfully used soo wisely the gift of this new day help me to finish up the final paper-work i have been working on...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    2 Un-Spoken Serious Prayer Requests...i need immediate 100 % confirmation with no shadow of a doubt at all regarding both of these possible open doors

    The Lord knows what they both are and how serious they both are for me as well. Now i ask in much deep intercession this serious request be answered and That May Only God's Perfect Will Now Be Done With Them Both. Confirm both of them with no shadow of a doubt for me please. For a whole new...
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need 2 Miracles...and only The Lord God can provide them for me...Amen.

    i need a safe place to call home as my lease is up the end of this month.... and i pray everyday for a most wonderful Godly Man to be my husband and serve the Lord Jesus with until death us do part Father--Abba--Daddy--God please provide these 2 things for me you are the source and giver of...
  5. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Very Super Urgent As My Lease is up the end of this month...and i still haven't found a new place to live yet...

    Father--Abba--Daddy--God in the name of Your Son Jesus please be with me in a very special way... and open the right door to the next place to live or may my current landlord Maria change her mind and let me stay right here please... and accept my rent subsidy at last... i don't know what else...
  6. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    My Housing Miracle? Please could you pray about this for me...thank-you soo very much!

    I found a little 2 bedroom house that is for rent... I left an e-mail message late last night and a phone call voice message just now... Father--Abba--Daddy--God in the name of Jesus if this is Your Perfect Will for me PLEASE BRING THIS MIRACLE RENTAL TO FRUITION... Thank-you Father Son and...
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Relief From Extreme Stress Needed Today...Lord Jesus...speak peace be still to my beating heart and shaking hands right now & calm me down send peace

    Father--Abba--Daddy--God please take this stress away that is making my heart race and my hands shake and relieve my stress today i understand what triggered me today i just need a peace and a calm to flow over me like a refreshing waterfall that cascade's down and just like God's Living...
  8. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please...Most Serious...i keep getting attacked when i minister as a volunteer on a world wide prayer site...and many times it makes me very very sick

    against all odd's i am still doing my volunteer ministering on another world wide prayer web site of whom i have been a part of their ministry since i was a teen--ager { for an extremely very very long time } i just had prayed and interceded for someone.... who needs truly a miracle touch and i...
  9. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    S.O.S--Housing Miracle? If so Plz Grant me Divine Favor Father/ i just had an almost one hour phone interview...God Is This Your Perfect Will For Me ?

    Father God...Abba--Daddy Is this Your Perfect Will for me ? If it is keep the door wide open If it is not then shut it tight..... This is how i will know for sure. There is soo much riding on this decision Please God In Heaven Above GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN THAT THE SAVIOR IS BORN AND...
  10. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle ?...i saw a most beautiful local apartment...may Your Perfect Will Be Done Now...

    I ask for continued prayer for a local rental that i saw on Wednesday...the day before Thanksgiving... The real estate broker was very kind and we had a very long in person interview too...which went very well... He explained to me that the landlord's were more interested in having the right...
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Not Feeling Well...thanks for prayer i must get soo much done & i have some type of allergy attack / and sinus infection / headache thing going on...

    You could tell i am not too with it when today is Saturday and here i thought it was Friday...Yikes ! i have this allergic reaction thing going on to the weather and clearly i am not thinking too straight or feeling good at all.... Thank-you for praying for me soo much i just want and need to...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Abba--Father please provide these for me...{ & I Thank-You Soo Much }...for i truly know that YOU ALONE...are my source of supply for all things...

    A most wonderful Prayer Partner by phone who i can intercede and fellowship with and read Your Word with... This is very dear to my heart... and soo very important to me... A New Local Trustworthy Handyman who i can depend on to help me as i need any assistance and is not just about the money...
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    An Urgent Request...from deep with-in my heart tonight Oh Lord...

    i have been mentoring a sister in Christ that has severe mental illness for about 5 years now... as a volunteer a friend a sister in Christ and a daily prayer partner too her psychiatrist is soo thilled that i am her friend... and highly approves of me...too...as well... as a good influence and...
  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    HOUSING MIRACLE ? Please Confirm Father In Jesus's Name HELP ME PLEASE as my current landlord Maria just told me to move and i am shaking all over }

    A Private Landlord Named Joseph who is disabled but very very kind... reached out to me awhile ago offering me a 2 bedroom rental in answer to A RENTAL AD...that i had placed awhile ago.... i have not heard from him these past few days and i am most concerned... i hope Joseph is alright first...
  15. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    EXTREMELY URGENT..I NEED SUPER SERIOUS PRAYER PLEASE..as i keep getting attacked on the world--wide prayer site where i vounteer every single day...

    i feel very soo extremely sick right now to be in the ministry is extremely hard on me i voulunteer 24 / 7 hours a day and 365 days a year for a world wide ministry i am a crisis and prayer counselor for the Body Of Christ all over the world... today was a very very very tough day for me...
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need A Confirmation About A Radio Show Collaboration I Was Offered......

    a few nights ago i broadcast on the air for 4 hours live world wide with a friend of mine my profession has always been radio broadcasting and i am F.C.C. LICENSED......for that... i need a Rock Solid final confirmation if i should continue co-hosting with my friend. there is much on the line...
  17. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Still Need A Housng Miracle And I See A Local Apartment At 3:30 p.m. Today...and i need much help with paperwork.

    Dear Prayer Site i have 2 extremely urgent prayer requests i have to finish much paperwork i am asking that i can get done 2 important parts of it today and get it photocopied and in the mail Then i have to get ready to see a local rental at 3:30 p.m. today May i find the favor of God with...
  18. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Abba--Daddy--God Please I Am Stressed To The Maximum...please send help for me...and bless all who pray for me and help them too !

    Please pray for me My stress level's are thru the roof and i have a very very bad stress headache tonight Father in the name of Jesus please help me...... please......send your Holy Spirit to comfort and console me.......... i feel like i can't face one more day like this please strengthen...
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