No fast heart beat.
No chills in my body
No feeling like tension in my stomach
No acid reflux
No irritation in my stomach, stomach tubes and breathing tubes.
No irritation to caugh.
Fast heart beat.
Not feeling well
Virus or just stomach issue and nervosity.
Sometimes feeling to vomit.
Irritation to caugh.
I need to go to sleep.
Working tomorrow very early
I got my blood test results back today and it’s not my thyroid causing my fast heartbeat, so my doctor is referring me to a Cardiologist. Please continue to pray for me that my heart will stop racing and slow down to normal. It’s so scary. It especially happens first thing in the morning when I...
No stomach flue.
No fast heart beat.
No fever.
No pain in muscles.
No feeling of vomiting.
No soar throat or irritation of throat and stomach.
No pain in throat.
No tiredness.
Nausea, feeling of vomiting sometimes.
Pray for normal stomach acid. đ
Healing of the stomach.
Pray against inflammation.
Against diarrhea.
Against fast heart beat.
I have slept not well to.
Pray for health and strength for me.
No fear that it is Covid.
I was yesterday negative.
I don't like pushy people. People with that pushy agressive attitude who think that by breathing down your back they'll get more results. And looking out for themselves, without caring about how it affects you. I have one customer like that. When she wants something, she presses you and presses...
country: united states
high blood pressure
last minute
one customer
pushy aggressive attitude
pushy people
pushy selfish person
Good morning and win today .I am Chijioke Emilia .I am connecting from Emene in Enugu state. I am a Teacher ,a mother of 5 boys. Please pray for me man of God . I am suffering from heart disease called dialated cardiomyopathy r/o parturiton related cardiomegally . This problem has made me to...
chijioke emilia
country: nigeria
dilated cardiomyopathy r o parturition related cardiomegaly
enugu state
far distance
heart disease
heart fastheartbeat
house chores
long distance
white wedding gown
Please pray that i will have relaxed body and normal peaceful heartbeat. No stress tension or tfast heartbeat. And so that i cam take a nice full breathe. No obstacle in abdomen