I pray for great health, a new home, a new job, a new car and a new iphone. I pray that I can come off my medication I take for schizophrenia and for the doctor to take it off of my medical records. I made a fast decision by rushing to check myself into the hospital seeking help only to find out...
No swelling to broken tooth. No pain or unease. Swelling subside in Jesus name.
No diarrhea or other diggestive issues.
No sinuses inflammation or closed sinuses.
Lord heal me totaly so that I can go on my beach hollydays. I was really really happy about it. It is my biggest joy in a whole...
Bless me today with peace, a calm heart, body, soul, kindness, wisdom, knowing the right things to say, balance in talking/listening, warmth, happiness, safety/feeling safe, grace, humility, being brave, love and Your hand to hold throughout the day ❤️ Bless me with an interview that goes well...
best side
brave love
calm heart body soul kindness wisdom
country: norway
right things
safe grace humility
strong contender
warmth happiness safety