I'm dealing with a lady in a family I deal.with alot who is deceived by being in a cult which mimics Christianity("And no wonder.For Satan himself transforms himself into a angel of light.It is no wonder then that his ministers transform themselves into ministers of rightesness"Anyway, this lady...
There's a family I deal with job related and know them quite well and this family has the spirit of fear bad.I mean, they're afraid of EVERYTHING.They look at things that have maybe a small chance of something happening and they exaggerate it to the point that it controls them and or others who...
Dear God, I pray for you to touch my sisters heart. May she find the courage to fight for her life and to go for a check up. Please let her see that we love her and we want her to be healthy. Please open her eyes and change her mind about going to see a doctor Dear God. May she be healed oh...
Theres this family I deal with, who it seems through aspects of their unsaved nature have invited attacks from the devil.Request for spiritual deliverance,, therefore breaking this pattern and of course salvation"Those who are well do not need a physician, but those who are sick do."
There's this family I deal with who is always having much misfortune befall them{And some serious ones}.I suspect that this is because of their beliefs, the grandmother is into a well-know cultic offshoot of Christianity one of the devils deceptions, and it seems she's brainwashed some of the...
There's this family I deal with who is ruled by fear.The grandmother is a hypochondriac who has a panic attack every time someone coughs or sneezes. {Including someone in her family.}Her daughter is just the same. The granddaughter is afraid of this and that.It's like the whole family has this...