Praie report!!!! Thank youLord!! thnak you Lord for healing fo my teeth facial boens jaw positiosn for shifitng them into bette rpositions ( after diabetic sepsis Miracle form the Lor dhtnaky ou! All thigns ar epossibel! i knwo for a fac ttha tbefor eit was caus eof oyu rprayers!! thnak you...
Praise report: i had a trauma to my jaws and i want tell you the Lord s so good healed my jaws and facial bones! prais ebe to the Lord Jesus Christ fille dmy mouth with good thignsthank you Lord for your helaign and all your blessings! please birgin your full salvaiton and delieranc eot all my...
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You Lord. for all your...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy blood sugar illness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
type 1 diabetes
Lord Jesus Christ dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
family al kingdom spouses
grandma schneider vilmos
muscle atrophy blood sugar illness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You Lord. for all your...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy blood sugar illness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
type 1 diabetes
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You Lord. for all your...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy blood sugar illness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
type 1 diabetes
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes insipidus if that is what she has and the root caus ethereof. pelas ehal her finger so they ar ento deforme dor broken and her toes as well. give her...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
excellent organ function brain function
grandma schneider vilmos
heal g bor
malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes
merry heart jesus chris stand
merry heart pleas
new gums bones teeth
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes insipidus if that is what she has and the root caus ethereof. pelas ehal her finger so they ar ento deforme dor broken and her toes as well. give her...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
excellent organ function brain function
grandma schneider vilmos
heal g bor
malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes
merry heart jesus chris stand
merry heart pleas
new gums bones teeth
Lor dpelas eheal my grandma Schneider Vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes insipidus if that is what she has and the root caus ethereof. pelas ehal her finger so they ar ento deforme dor broken and her toes as well. give her...
blood sugar blood pressure illness periodontitis disease
country: hungary
dleive rhim form
excellent organ function brain function
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes
merry heart jesus chris stand
merry heart pleas
spiritual attack pelase
Lord pleas ehave mercy and rstor eme and my fmialy bakc to life. Lor di need oyu so bad. i pray oyu help me. pelase take away the cuas eof my health issues and for al my fmialy too. please Lor di need oyu. please give me and my fmaily helaign inoru bodies .thanky ou for ally our helaign touches...
please pray for my grandma to eb delivere dof all flesh eating bacteria in eeveryway and for the Lord ot have mercy and heal her body in every way including high blood pressure metabolic problems high blood sugar mascuel atropyh and compelte dleiveranc eof felsh eatign bacteria. my fmialy has...
Praise report:' i would liek to give tanks tot the Lord for giving me healing in my jaws teeth today Thank You Lord Jesus Christ our Christour Savior Pleasew pray for ym grandma to be healed of alll defrormitie of the bowels hippy and all her spin and all her body healed of all manner os f oc...
please pray f ro my dad salvation eternal salvation in Christ and fro his spinal fracture to be healed .pelase pray for him to be dleivered of flesh eatign bacteria dehydration and the causes theros. please pray fo rmy moms hearing to be restore dn and brian and heart and for my paretns to make...
country: hungary
excellent functioning
excellent health place
excellent life blessings
health finances relationships
long healthy lives
neurlogical brian disorders
proper nutrition water
spinal fracture
pleas epray f rmy mom healign and brian fucntion healed to be heal idn brainn a and helaign and heart andblood and periodontosis disease and to b e dleivered form everyhtign harmful to her by Gods powe rint he name ofthe Lord Jeus Chirst.pelas epray she is heale do of aspergers delivered of flsh...
praiyng for my mtoher to be mature emotionally. pleas eLord soemhow make rher more develped emtionally and my brother too. pleas ehal them and help them to develope strogn emphaty int heir lives and please giv emthem exceleltn theory of mind. Lord i do not understand aspergers syndorme but i...
asperger syndrome
cassandra syndrome
country: hungary
disease lor di
excellent theory
mom lor dim
strong empathy
understanding wisdom
pleas elOr remove tumor and hela my right kidney. pelas remov etumor form grnamd if tha it sthe case. delive rher form the root caus oef diabete sinsipidus. dleiver my whole fmaily blood lien form al unlcean spirits. pelase heal my dad spinal fracture pelase helalwho hve dementia tumors kidnes...
I jsut wnna knwo why im like the wa yi am.. i woudlliek dleiveranc efrom satan form illness and generaiton curses. i pray this deliverance form all eivl int hename of the Lord Jeus Christ for all poeple. espiclal ym fmaily blod line.
prayer for my fmaily slavaiton in Chirst andldeiveranc eof all evil spirits disease spoverty and also dleiveranc eo flal demons generationsal curses int he name of the Lord Jeus Chirst.Pleas elOrd provide for my whole fmaily blood lien needs.protect my fmaily from death accidents and all peopel...
Priase report!!! the Lord Jeus Christ helaed my jaw alignment of teeth , particulary felt my tooth back pop into place. God is good!! prais ethe Lord He is good. knows how mcuh i need helaignin my teet. thank you for prayers. God belss oyu forver!!! pleas epray my fmaiyl is set free form flesh...
Urgetn God belss you forevr . please pray thank you I praise God we woke up this morning. my dad has severe lugn problems he is alone oversees. VEry lot sof phlegm always causing need special madiacaiton just to seleep. He is very ill form this. pelase Lord dleiver his lugns and body form alle...
alle vil
bowels form
country: hungary
dementia heart failure
excellent circulation
holy blood
proper bowel movements
severe lung problems
special medication