false equivalence defamation

  1. Anonymous

    Mass defamation plot and enemies

    Someone stole my dad's phone and they spent an day using it successfully gaining access to all of his personal information, including his bank account. These enemies are trying to hand us the wrongful execution sentence after they document everything and lie in wait for us. We are suffering from...
  2. Anonymous

    Fake criminal records

    Someone stole my dad's phone and they spent an day using it successfully gaining access to all of his personal information, including his bank account. These enemies are trying to hand us the wrongful execution sentence after they document everything and lie in wait for us. We are suffering from...
  3. Anonymous


    I was cyberbullied online for years when my enemy face recorded us for mass defamation at the building and sent it to all of their friends of who to target record. So they got their watches and when they saw us, they face record aggressively for malicious intent. We are suffering from false...
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