fallen angels

  1. Whareyn

    Prayer request - Against Sexual Immoraility

    Hi I need some help with prayer there are people around me that are wicked spiritual presence they're not all-time here but they are stalking and they are being sexually immoral and not only them but there are fallen angels and spirits around including my husbands some of them I know that are...
  2. Floduladh

    Prayers for all who needed it including ###

    Well I wrote a request of feeling attack from all sides and I do feel like I'm being attacked from all sides but I know that Satan is trying to destroy me and he won't succeed considering that he was God's right hand man when his name was Lucifer before he fell from heaven with the Fallen Angels...
  3. Nythwyll

    Please pray for my friend ### right ...

    Please pray for my friend ### right now. She is in a very dangerous situation with some very dangerous people. Please lift her up to God with me and ask for his angels to surround and protect her. Deliver her from these people and break Satan and His Fallen Angels claim over her. Thank you so much
  4. Bromyromai

    Deliverance from Jezebel and wolf/animal spirits

    I need prayer. I want to be spiritual and walk with God but something is blocking. I'm under heavy control. Really bad control from controlling spirits. I'm dealing with wolf and serpents and even fallen angels that can take control and mess with me. Please advice on how to hear God and walk...
  5. Kullias

    Please pray for me to escape astral rape

    My name is Subha. A guy was brought into my life by occult forces as my twin flame, he can astral project and with ungodly soul ties between us, the entities/demons that are possessing him are raping me non stop for more than 17 days now. I am losing all of my energy and I don't know where to...
  6. Durkuxtan

    Our Father in heaven hallowed be thy ...

    Our Father in heaven hallowed be thy name. Please forgive my sins, please forgive our debts. I wanna pray for the warrior Archangel Michael to show up in my life, protect me from wrath and defeat my enemies once and for all. I wanna pray for Archangel Raziel for the revealing of secrets involved...
  7. Karteraom

    Dear Lord. A I write this I ...

    Dear Lord. A I write this I also reading with my eyes my mind heart and soul. I ask that you hear us all no matter how unclean we are I do ask that if one sincerely means it that we also may find Redemption and forgiveness through you. I also ask that you change my heart and my mind as I have...
  8. csaaphill

    Heavenly Father, I renounce this voodoo curse ...

    Heavenly Father, I renounce this voodoo curse on me and my family that was sent to the North, South, East, and West and claim by faith it was nailed to the cross of Christ 2000 years ago and is null and void. I also renounce in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the rituals and ceremonies used to...
  9. Wylandadh

    Signs of the End Times, the great deception. Video saying NASA has hired priests and theologians to disclose alien life

    I have also seen a newspaper article last week, saying Uri Geller who used to be on television a long time ago bending spoons with his mind, or more likely through demonic powers, anyway Uri has said that aliens are getting ready to reveal themselves to us. As Christians we know this is a great...
  10. Drenistyr

    Jehovah Shalom, I bend my knees before ...

    Jehovah Shalom, I bend my knees before Your throne of grace, casting all my cares, my troubles, my doubts, my fears and my weaknesses on You, the Almighty God who sits upon the Throne. Every negative entity will flee at the sound of Your mighty name. These trials and temptations that strikes me...
  11. csaaphill

    To those who follow Satan, Lucifer, The ...

    To those who follow Satan, Lucifer, The Devil. He is not a victim. We would have figure out stuff on our own so the Fallen angels who fell before Satan did, meaning the ones the Genesis 6 talks about. The ones who mated with women and the Giants came from that union. They also taught us...
  12. Wylandadh

    so very very lost in the wondering whys its causing me to loose my faith

    Why did God create us when there's so much suffering, and so many people including lukewarm Christians like me going to hell as well. What kind of monster even can think of planning and creating a place of eternal torment for what seems on the surface very small matters. Why can't He just punish...
  13. Syvfir

    Pray for all beings, I'm talking about ...

    Pray for all beings, I'm talking about the fallen angels, the watchers in the book of enoch, the nephilim, and all living beings in existence. for if there are higher powers, let alone a Supreme Being, Why not forgive all beings at some point? I'm so very confused in what to believe in at this...
  14. Syvfir

    Pray for all beings, I'm talking about ...

    Pray for all beings, I'm talking about the fallen angels, the watchers in the book of enoch, the nephilim, and all living beings in existence. for if there are higher powers, let alone a Supreme Being, Why not forgive all beings at some point? I'm so very confused in what to believe in at this...
  15. Miranda T

    Strength to overcome

    Pray that God will help to discern, when I feel the presence of the enemies, I will look for the King's table as He sets a table in front of the enemies. I would look for what God has prepared for me. I would ignore the voice of enemies, and let the enemies flee from me, ignore the fallen...
  16. Francis Kusi

    I feel I'm continued to be spiritually ...

    I feel I'm continued to be spiritually attacked by the devil and by demonic spirits and satanic spirits and evil spirits and witchcraft. I need immediate help and I need prayers everyday. I need my FATHER IN HEAVEN to help me and fully and spiritually equip me so I can be able to fight against...
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