Madam, My Wife and I draft a man Certificate going to cancel by Director of factories and boiler by small mistake from our side. Yesterday we got a letter from Director Department of factories and boiler to show return reason for mistake within 7 days; otherwise, he will cancel our license. We...
Sir, from our small mistake Director of factories and boiler going to cancel my wife ### Draft Man certificate pl prayer to for us to Almighty God Jesus
I am concerned about American cities that were once vibrant with businesses and now the jobs have been shipped out. I have seen many videos about factories that have closed down and it seems like many houses have become abandoned and run down in these cities. There seems to be no one concerned...
Hello guys,
I have been wanting to start up a clothing business for 3 years now. Before I had no clue but gradually I have learnt a lot and I mean a lot (I thank God); but now I am really struggling to find the right suppliers. Please pray that I find right suppliers.
This has quite been...
Suddenly, all my businesses shutdown, in such a manner that cannot be well explained. And all efforts to raise money to get back, proves difficult, almost 3 years now. Factories shut down, and offices closed down. REQUEST: I need restoration of my finances and businesses. Every other need is...
Hair salons, churches, restaurants and factories has been closed. Workers has been laid off or just fired. Where the money will come in to pay the rent and utilities?
Where should we go now? What will we do?
Call on the Lord who is worthy of praise. He will provide for us what we need...
Name Sivasankar k my brother sir he is working in dubai pharmaceutical concern last six months he is not getting salary he is very very affected for regular food he is borrowed for many people house EMI, for other things. Newly joined that concern our director is absgoned. So policed are ceased...