Lord please please remove absolutely all pain from my teeth gums now permanently in jesus christ name make my denture scott fix it asap Monday please please remove absolutely all every lumbs bumbs lumby bumby bits all everh spots pimples skin problems remove frkm my face skin now make dissappear...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord I ask you please completly totally permanently remove absolutely all every lumbs all every bumbs all every hard hits raised bits marks scars puckery bits above both my eyes from upper eye surgery now by your mighty power please make scars above my...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord touch my face skin under eyes completly totally heal restore make completly totally brand new Incredibly brand new smooth as I deeply desire I ask you lord please remove absolutely all swelling absolutely all puffiness absolutely all redness...
absolute roots
country: unknown
dark circles
face neck body
ky left eye
lines wrinkles
scars lumps bumps
white hard spits
youthful ageless blemish free wrinkles
Lord please please remove absolutely all swelling burning stinging nipping redness all rashes spots pimples blisters lines wrinkles rough bits grained hits dark circles hollows absolutely all every skin issues problems under my left eye whole face skin permanently now make them.all dissappear...
Lord your words day ask and I will recieve please lord remove absolutely all burning nipoing stinging all evetg sensitivity all every lumbs bumbs red bits punk bits all swelling all puffiness absolutely all excess skin deep line I hate absolutely all every lines wrinkles spits hits absolutely...
burning nipoing stinging
country: unknown
eveth skin issues problems
excess skin deep line hate
face neck body
free excess skin
grained bits marks
left ete whole skin
smooth wrinkle free blemish free dark circles
Lord please remove absolutely all every skin problems burning nipping absolutely all swelling redness pinkness absolutely all lines wrinkles bllumbx bumbs absolutely all rough bits grained bits all every spits pimples absolutely all every skin issues problems under my left eye whole face skin...
Absolutely all every skin issues leave dissappear permanently fron under my left eye frkm the absolute roots right now please lord by your mighty power perform miracles wonders of healing under my left eye whoke skin right now please please lord remove permanently absolutely all every pain...
country: unknown
dark circles
deep line marks scars
left eye
mighty power
miracles wonders
rough bits grained bits lines
skin beauty appearance
skin issues
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please remove permanently all pain burning all sensitivity absolutely all swelling redness ounkness lines wrinkles marks scars dark circles hollows all every rough bits grained bits lunvs bumbs absolutely all every skin problems please lord under...
country: unknown
dark circles
left eye skin
miracles wonders
name lord
redness ounkness lines
rough bits grained bits lungs bumps
skin problems
wrinkles marks
Lord please please remove absolutely all every hard bits lumbs bumbs bumby bits whire hard bits whire spits all every rough bits pink bits marks scars dark circles hollows lines absolutely every skin problems under my left eye whole face skin now make them absolutely all dissappear right now...
bumpy bits white hard bits white
country: unknown
dark circles
left eye skin
miracles wonders
other girl women
other tools women
rough bits pink bits marks scars
skin problems
Lore I ask you please please remove permanently absolutely all ra8sed bits lumby bumby bits dark circles hollows lines under my left eye permanently now by your power make them all completely totally dissappear now work through dr a my surgeon to please get them all permanently away on my next...
Lord lord lord please please remove permanently absolutely all every white bits raised bits lumbs bumbs bumby bits under mu left eye permanently right now please in jesus christ name please make under my left eye brand new healed restored incredibly smooth brand new now in jesus christ name...
Very very very urgent please all pray Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove absolutely absolutely all white bits raised bits lumbs bumbs dark circles hollows under my left eye permanently permanently rught now right now please lord had enough in jesus...
Very very very urgent please please all pray lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch comoletky totally heal heal restore please please under my left eye on absolutely every way form rught now rught now please lord by your healing power please please lord...
big huge tony
country: unknown
healing power
left eye normal skin color
lines wrinkles
pake skin dry skin dull skin
red veins pigmentation
sensitive skin
sll dark circles hollows
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord please please remove absolutely all whire bits absolutely all raised bits pain sensitivity absolutely all every lumbs bumbs bumby bits dark circles hollows under my left eye right now please heal it restore ot completely make it please please lord...
Very very very urgent please all.pray lord please please remove permanently absolutely all pain soreness discomfort all sensitivity absolutely all whire bits absolutely all lumps bumps bumby bits raised bots rough bits lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eyes permanently right now...
brand new brand
country: unknown
face neck body vagiba area
lors dates
lors lots dates
pain soreness discomfort
red veins pigmentation marks
rough bits lines wrinkles
white bits
Lord please please remove absolutely all white bits absolutely all bumby bits absolutely all raised bits dark circles hollows under my left eye right now please please without any delay at all please please make undee my left eye incredibly totally smooth exact same as under right eye make Dr a...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord I ask you please please tou h touch completely totally heal heal heal restore please under my left eye in absolutely every way fork right now right now by your power please please please remove absolutely all all every raised bits all every bukby bits...
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way form right now please in jesus christ name please lord remove absolutely all pain discomfort nipoinb stinging absolutely all all lumby bumby...
Very very urgent lord please please touch completely heal completely restore under my left ete in absolutely every way rigjt now right now by your power remove absolutely all white bits absolutely all lumby bumby bits all raised bots all limes absolutely all dark circles hollows under my left...
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
left eye
lines wrinkles spots
lumpy bumpy bits
other girl women
pimples blemishes
supernatural wisdom discernment sight
white bits