Healing of this bad cold and have to go out again and bless appointments this week Lord and the good knowledgeable ones coming soon to do extensive work. I pray we can clear much away to have them do a good job with no or low costs as promised. Please Lord and defeat all your enemies IJN and...
Please help with all this so overwhelming and there be enough cleared space so we can get these exercises and PT done at home Lord and dental appointment guide bless and direct dentist hands and they be legit Low costs and with referrals for much extensive work done that my bridge and crowns...
Prayers I get this check reimbursement. Also Have this foal odor or taste in my mouth ever since they did this dental work. Please have this new dentist do a good job soon and they are able to get all the extensive work done at very low costs my Lord.
Praise God teeth didn’t need all this extensive work after all and stop this devil here messing with me with his threats this Will Stop this devil will be sorry he ever messed with a Child of God and please cancel Wrong billing from the electric Co. from over charging and readjust this erroneous...
Please pray get more positive answers soon and protection and healing feeling so tired and my vision is getting a bit obscured when night driving. Also much prayers on this new dentist visit soon that they and insurance quickly accepts this much needed extensive work IJN We pray Lord is good amen
Miracles Lord Please praying dentist not take up the small amount I have left over with the insurance but only to fill a small filling and reattach this cap permanently and it will hold until, Help to Fight that I get these monies back Asap w the insurance Lord to Roll over my Amt from last year...