Heal this excruciating foot Pain Lord and stomach issues Bloat gastritis and reactions to some foods and so Exhausted please help me get through another couple hours and get good sleep and wake on time for this good day soon and these sick people here leave me alone Your Protecting Blood Is...
Please relieve this very excruciating Foot pain and help all Appointments to go well. Bring Victory on this case help in writing my statement to counteract the lies from the other party, help this all come to light. My Lord Favor guidance and wisdom on these appointment If Lord’s will these...
There is a Bad stench out doors my Lord Please remove it could hardly breathe and this excruciating foot pain by the ball of my foot No surgery in my body. Please heal me and this lumps to go down and in mouth gums swelling, so tired now been feeling unwell Lord touch with Your mighty Strength...
So hot and so much to do praying I be Able to make it to appointments soon and these ppl give fair compensation above all we can ask or think and remove this excruciating foot pain, I will No longer go to that dr. and these others learn their lesson they Cannot try to destroy us Your mighty...