PLease pray that I will not have excessive period.
Pray against stressful situation.
Pray against high blood pressure.
Pray that I will calm down.
Pray that my hormones will be ok, normal, regular.
Pray that my period will stop because it came earlier third time and last two ones were...
No pain.
No diarrhea.
No pms.
No fast heart beat.
No period please because it is too early and my last period was sometimes very excessive.
Normal menstrual cycle. ### days.
Please moderate and not excessive period.
Pray that I will be able to sleep from all those issues.
1) no excessive period
2) this too long period to finally stop
3) regular healthy normal moderate period and everything around menstr cycle, hormone and female organs
4) no abscesses, swellings in my dental flesh
5) no pain unease irritation inflammation in my digestive tract, female...
No cramps, pain, unease, nausea or any other menstrual or digestive issue in Jesus name.
No excessive period.
No two periods at once (in the row)
Not to long period.
No any other menstrual or hormonal issue in Jesus name.
No high blood pressure.
No stress, worry or tension.
No high or heavy...
1) please - no very excessive period, very unpleasant situation
2) lower the outside temperature, Lord, it is making things worse
3) my air condition is not working properly or I just have pushed the wrong buttons, please help me to adjust it somehow so that the power/air will blow more...
1) No excessive period. No 2 periods in a row/no too long period. Everything around menstrual cycle and period, hormones normal, healthy, regular, moderated. Everything revolves around my period and this is awful. I want to attend concerts, have summer vacations, etc., and I cannot do this with...
country: croatia
great time
healthy regular moderated everything
long period everything
menstrual cycle
one music event
period hormones
problem healme
summer vacations
Please no very excessive period. It worries me. Menopause irregularity. It's very unpleasant in public places.
Please pray that everything around my period and menstrual cycle will be normal healthy regular harmonious including HORMONS.
No excessive period please. It's very unpleasant.
Everything around my menstrual cycle normal, regular, moderate in Jesus name. Amen
No worry around this issue. Amen
Very Excessive period.
Two periods in the row.
Blessed day.
Moderate period.
Regular period.
Normal menstrual cycle.
Balanced hormones.
Me relaxed and my whole body.
No tension in my stomach abdomen or feeling...
country: croatia
menstrual cycle balanced hormones
moderate period regular period
nausea gastritis diarrhea
stomach abdomen
stress tension hormones
two periods
No very excessive period please. No double period one after another., (which is now).
Everything around my period and hormones - normal healthy regular harmonious, especially hormone estrogen.
Miracle that the body will compensate lost blood, iron and everything it needs. Lord lead me what...
No excessive period.
Not to long period or twice in a row (which is now happening)…
Everything around my period and menstrual cycle normal moderate healthy.
Hormonal balance.
No digestive issues.
No nausea.
No feeling of vomiting etc.
No anxiety around all those issues. Sleeping...
Everything around my menstrual cycle and period to be healthy, normal, moderate, and harmonious. No excessive period and no repeating period in a short time. No pain, unease, nausea, etc. No depression or emotional overeating. Premenopause. Thank you.
Also no gastritis, acid reflux, heartburn, etc.
Please pray that everything will be all right with my period and menstrual cycle. No excessive period or blockages or irregularity of any kind. Lord heal me and give me harmony and peace in my whole body amen. No nervosity tension digestive issues weird sensations in my body including pain or...
Please no noise from neighbours
Furniture moving
Loud devices
Loud music
Very loud walking
Etc etc
Lord please deal especially with my neighbour upstairs who is obviously ignoring neighbours and home/building rules. It's really arrogant.
No excessive period please. Thank you. Normal...
Please no.### period. Very.### occasionally. Very unpleasant situation. Thank you for your prayers. Everything around my period and menstrual cycle normal. Everything around my digestion normal. No sweating. No digestive issues. Relaxed peaceful body and mind. Everything around my hormones...
No problems with my digestion, diarrhea, stomach acid, nausea.
No problems with my hormones or menstrual cycle or period. Not to excessive period. Amen
No problems with teeth or dental flesh. No swellings or abscesses.
HEAT WAVE. Lord and my family to endure this day and this whole week. Temperature till 37C.
Especially my old parents 86 with their chronic sicknesses.
Me - no nausea, no gastritis, no diarrhea or any other diggestive issue. Normal.stomach acid.Excellent diggestion.
Normal, not...
chronic sicknesses
country: croatia
menstrual cycle
mineral vitamin other sufficiency
old parents
other digestive issue normal stomach acid excellent digestion normal
No excessive period but moderate. No sweating, feeling of fever, or pain in my lower abdomen or nausea in my stomach. No gastritis. Good sweet sleep. Everything allright with my period, hormons, female organs, stomach...easy menopause transition.