excellent bowel movements

  1. Jesussaves89

    very urgent emergenycy my grandma ### ###...

    very urgent emergency my grandma ### may have suffered some sort of stroke (has happened before but she has never been so weak. Please pray she is able to oxygen and that her crossed eye go back to straight please pray that she does not have stroke and that she is healed by our Lord Jesus...
  2. Jesussaves89

    praise the Lord: my grandma coudl eat ...

    praise the Lord: my grandma coudl eat more today. i felt helaign in my teeth. thanky oyu for prayring God is our helaer praise toHIm. Askign for prayers for my fmaily to be delivered of all metabolic disorders. pelas epray we are delivered of all sepsis diabtes diabete sinsipidus diabetes type...
  3. Jesussaves89

    prasie report: i prasie God for all ...

    prasie report: i prasie God for all e miracle she doign in my moth. pleas epray the Lord ocmleltes heal my teethd eliver me from all sickness disease blood sugar issues. pleas eheal my moms moth and hela my grandmas moth and my dad. give them new teeth Lor dpelase. pelase remove all sickness...
  4. Kaghel

    Please URgent emergency my grandma need healign ...

    Please URgent emergency my grandma need healign in her heart she cannot get rid of waste easily. needs helaign from heart disease. pelas epray the Lord clears all blockages and dleiver sher formt he devil from all hehart problems please Lord heal her heart and all her health problems problems...
  5. Kaghel

    Pleas elOrd elive rmy grandma form all ...

    Pleas elOrd elive rmy grandma form all her bed of illness pleas ehal her lay hands on her lOrd Jesus Christ so she can move again wlak again opwn her exes again have exceelent oxgen exceleltn heartbeat excelelnt digestion exceleltn oragn function excellent bowel mevements and lots of hapiness...
  6. Phobotus

    VEry Urgent please pray withotu ceasing for ...

    VEry Urgent please pray for Schneider Vilmosné withotu ceasing for my grandma who is very ill. Please. Sheneeds amiracluoous helaign of her heart and circulatory systema dn her hwole body in eevry way. I am forever thankful for oyur prayers. HIghest of thank you form my heart. it is he rbirthday...
  7. Sescagh

    Please pray fo rmy grandma for her ...

    Please pray fo rmy grandma for her salvation spiritual, emotional, mental and physcial healing. He rname is her name is Shneider VIlmosné. It is her birthda.y she has been bedridden for years. Please pray the Lord Jesus Chris t miraculously touches with HIS Holy spirit her hwoel body todayand...
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