Lord your sons say ask and I will receive lord I ask you please please remove absolutely all raised bits rough bits all every grainey bits hard bits lumbs bumbs hard bits dark circles hollows lines dark circles hollows under my left eye remove absolutely all of them permanently from the...
Lord, your words say ask, and I will receive. I stand on your words. I ask you, please, please remove absolutely all every rough bits, hard bits, lumpy, bumpy bits, all every lines, marks, scars, dark circles, hollows, absolutely every skin issue under my left eye, right eye, bump above my left...
country: unknown
daa lobe desire attraction
deepest expectations desires
left eye right eye
lumby bumby bits
total agreement
total lobe
total tirak unity agreement
upper eye surgery
Lord please please remove absolutely all white bits raised bits absolutely all every lumby bumby bits lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eye now please without any delay bless my appointment with my surgeon tomorrow give ### the skill wisdom expertise to please please successfully...
amazing supernatural favor
country: unknown
lumby bumby bits lines wrinkles
other girls women
right questions words
right steroid injection right amount
skill wisdom expertise
soul ties aa
thoughtful caring kind
Please please all pray for me please please please bless my consultation please Lord with Dr ### in absolutely every way I pray Dr ### has awesome incredibly supernatural skill doing botox fillers gets absolutely all lines I hate completely totally away knows exactly the right filler products...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord please please touch heal heal my eyes in every way permanently please Lord remove from my eyes all dryness permanently all watering permanently all itchiness permanently all nipoing stinging permanently absolutely all every eye problems permanently...
awesome beauty glory radiance
awesome healing power strength
country: unknown
left eye lid
power strength courage boldness calmness
right very best
side mouth side face
supernatural incredibly skill expertise wisdom
total breeze success
Lord lord I ask you please please bless bless my appointment treatment with Lorraine nurse today to be a total total incredibly success please in jesus christ name please give Lorraine nurse incredibly incredibly supernatural wisdom skill to know the exact right very best ever thin filler to use...
Very very very urgent lord by your mighty power your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please melt mightly incredibly doctor darren to me about me towards me please please lord in absolutely every single way form right now in jesus christ name I ask you please please make...
brand new brand
buggy bits filler skin booster
country: unknown
dry skin dull skin
flat smooth brand new eyes
neck scalp vagina
pale skin sensitive skin
red veins pigmentation
single way form
Very very urgent lord please please remove absolutely all bukgy bits raised bits undee both my eyes frkm the roots make under both my eyes incredibly totally smooth now please in jesus christ name please remove all swelling fluid filler skin boaster all every raised bots under both my cheekbones...
Lord please please bless me to get up no problems tomorrow morning for my appointment bless my appointment with doctor convery in every way tomorrow 11am bless hom to be alot nicer get every single bit of bulgy bits raised bits away completely under both my eyes all fluid swelling whatever it is...
Very very very urgent lord please heal remive sore throat all tightness in my chest asthma every all symptoms of asthma all anxity deppression all fear all absolutely all every skin problems give doctor convery awsome supernatural skill wisdom on Tuesday please lord to inject in all the exact...
Very very urgent lord please please remove absolutely every all skin problems frkm the roots under my eyes cheekbones give doctor convery supernatural skill to inject in all the exact spots places get it all completely totalky away once and forall next Tuesday woth scan please lord in jesus...
Very very urgent lord please please give doctor convery awsome incredibly supernatural skill wisdom to please please successfully get every bit of filler all bukgy bits raised bits completely away under my eyes all swelling fluid raised bits under my cheekbones away completely that I am...
Very very urgent I get up no problems at all for my doctor appointment get train in there for plenty time lord please please bless my appointment with doctor converu in absolutely every way bless him to please please do more alot alot more units of dissolver under both my eyes cheekbones in all...
country: unknown
doctor convert
fluid filler skin booster
left cheekbone
mu eyes
plenty time
right cheekbone
scanz disdolver
supernatural favor
Very very very urgent lord yoir words say ask ask and I will recieve lord please please remove permanently frkm the absolute roots all every dark circles hollows all every bulgy bits all every raised hirs all lines under both my eyes please permanently never return ever in jesus christ name...
Lord please remove every all dark circles hollows every big of filler absolutely sll every bulgy bits raised bits limes unde both my eyes permanently please please lord from thd roots please please make under my eyes incredibly smooth flat brand new in jesus name please please lord remove all...
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor convery
fear anger hardness childishness selfishness
left cheekbone right cheekbone
mire scans
swelling fluid filler
Very very urgent please please all.pray I need your prayers lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please forgive me for all things lord I ask you please please remove remove permanently from the absolute roots all all every dark circles all every hollows all every bit of filler...
country: unknown
dark circles
flat brand
flat smooth brand
left cheekbone right cheekbone
left right cheekbone
pale skin dry skin dull skin
sensitive skin
skin problems
Very very very urgently lord please please remove every all dark circles every all hollows every bit of filler all every bulgy hits raised bits under both my eyes from the roots please lord without any delay please please make doctor convery please please please inject more disdolver alot more...
awesome supernatural skill wisdom patience
brand new brand new
country: unknown
disdolver mote units
fluid swelling filler
left right cheekbone
mh eyes cheekbones
neck body vagina area
roots right cheekbone
Very urgent please all pray Lord please let jmd find clinic I have very important appoitment on Wednesday 2pm very vert easily be there in lots time please lord bless doctor covery I am seeing on Wednesday lord to be truly awsome wonderful highly skilled doctor skin expert be incredibly caring...
cheek life fiance
country: unknown
doctor convery
important appointment
lots quality time
lots time
super natural favor
supernatural skill wisdom insight
wonderful highly skilled doctor skin expert
Very very urgent lord please make under eye scan I sm having on Wednesday very very clearly show that there is still still filler under my eyes in jesus name please make doctor convery dissolver use right dissolver right amount of dissolver with rigjt needle canula under my eyes in all all the...
brand new brand
country: unknown
eye scan sm
lots quality time
right amount
right needle cannula
single bit
single way form
top bottom teeth
Very very urgent lord please please make doctor darren please please do a under eye scan for me please without any delay this week be allt nicer to me in every single way please please make the under eye scan please please lord show very very clearly that there is still filler under both my eyes...