Protection from any evil today.
Against any disturbing of my classes.
No harrassment from pupils of any kind or sabotages.Some of them were suspended from the classes for 10 days because they attacked one pupil and tried to strangle them. Lord put peace upon any evil spirit messing with me or my...
Protection from any evil today and this whole year, especially from parents, pupils, inspections and similar, in Jesus name, amen. I am working in the school. All my decisions, measures, steps from me, my principle and the school working for our good. Please pray that all parents will be...
Protection from any evil today. From pupils, teachers, other school workers, authorities, parents etc. Especially from selfish, arrogant and coldblooded people.I am teacher in the highschool.
Health, strength, joy of the Lord.
cold blooded people
country: croatia
high school health strength joy
other school workers authorities
pupils teachers
selfish arrogant
Protection from any evil today.
Protection from any evil in the school.
Today are elections for the new principle.
Let peace reign.
Lord, open my eyes for whom to vote.
Protection from all evil today.
Evil spirits.
Evil people.
Evil energies.
Unfavorable circumstances.
Attacks on my health.
Respect from all coworkers and pupils please. (and in general)
Devil under my feet. Amen