There is an evil satanic man who pretends he is from Yahweh but is completely from Satan. He is on a mission from Satan to steal, kill and destroy me. He keeps telling lies about me to everyone about me. He stole a lot of money from me and he uses to pick up prostitutes and have sex with them at...
country: united states
evilchurchevil people
evil satanic curses
evil satanic man
evil satanic things
evil satanic voice
evil things
other satanic false prophets
satanic evil voice
I have an evil voice inside of me that harasses me constantly. I feel hopeless sometimes because it harasses me and refuses to leave me alone. It's NOT Holy Spirit. It's something that is completely NOT of Christ. I don't know what to do. If I knew what to do I would do it. I went to an evil...
No joy, I need to see improvements: Blessings to all who pray for me, may the Lord give you more than you could have dreamed of. I have serious depression problems. Nothing goes right for me ever. If I make tea there is a bug in it. If I warm my food the plastic in the microwave melts onto it...
abusive nephew
brilliant metabolism
country: south africa
digestive system skin
growth plates
mean sister
nervous breakdown
next half
serious depression problems