pls pray that I have the job at EVI for 4 classes for 8 weeks and then a renewal for 8 weeks and that it is online pls pray that I have another part time job to supplement income and that it is online
pls pray that i get another part time job, remote that pays well and that i get the job at EVI, online for 4 courses for 8 weeks and then it is renewed
pls pray that I let go of my fears, my procrastinating pls pray that I find another part time job remote and that I am hired at EVI for 4 courses for 8 weeks and then rehired. Thx
Pray that I have another part time job, remote And that I have the job at "EVI" for 4 courses for 8 weeks and then for this to be renewed and it must be online
that I get the job at EVI for 4 classes for the 8 week session and then for my contract to be renewed for another 8 weeks and that I have the job for as long as need be
that I get the job at EVI for 4 classes for the 8 week session and then for my contract to be renewed for another 8 weeks and that I have the job for as long as need be