everyday routine

  1. MsJolly

    Being more humble

    Tears are forming because I’m tired of my everyday routine. I work hard to pay bills and get walked over and stepped on by everyone I thought I loved but God. It’s not a happy place to be when you feel unappreciated and misused. I’m ready to remove ppl from my life that I don’t see myself with...
  2. Carols

    Need rest.

    I'm so restless. N tired. Not getting any rest. Work n work only. Can't sit simply either. Lots of works to do at home. If I don't do the work it'll be more pending too. Since after waking up from sleep to till I go to bed at night. I've work's to do. Not only today but it's everyday routine...
  3. Fish Masilo

    Please people of God pray for my ...

    Please people of God pray for my son, he has been in isolation for 2 weeks now,i seek your help in prayer he is still unconscious even today.with the help of our lord Jesus i hope your prayers will heal and bring him back to his everyday routine
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