My evangelism efforts are weak. I am wanting people to know the Lord, and for those who are saved to know him in a deeper way. Churches in my state or rather much of the country have some of the same characteristics that make it hard to reach lost people. Church shouldn't be a business. Church...
10 percent male church
business church
corny comedy club church
country club church
country: unknown
deeper way
most churches
same characteristics
strong laborers
Friends, will you pray ferently with us for our sisters and brothers in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)? We have a difficult report to share that shows the horror of what's happening to Christians there.
On November 25, the body of Pastor Issac Muhindo Baraka, who led a church in North...
country: united kingdom
democratic republic
difficult report
islamic caliphate
islamic state group
north kivu province
pastor baraka
pastor issac muhindo baraka
usa text alert