Be still for the presence of Jesus is in this place. He wants to bless us, help us and heal us. Believe in His word, it is an eternal promise coming to our heart and mind. I am the One who healeth you... He said to all of us. To bless us and will take care of you wherever you are. Jesus loves...
Jesus, our dear Lord who came to this earth to save us from sin and evil. Our Redeemer, Son of the living God, only begotten Son of God. His eternal promise comes to our ears. I am coming soon and My reward is with Me.
Thine o Lord is the greatness, and the power and the glory, and the...
The profound truth of Gods word will touch the deepest part of our being. When we ask for deliverance from stress, depression, oppression from the devil and tiredness, Jesus will come to you and deliver your troubled soul from any torment satan has brought to your life.
More love,
Labor not for the money, for material possesions or for making yourself rich. Work for Jesus. The eternal promise of God is this. I will provide for you. I will make you a blessing. I will make you shine before others.
If you always try your best,
Jesus is with you.
Helping, guiding...
Jesus, our dear Lord, He is the Bread of Life who came down from heaven. Blessed be His holy name. Love Him, praise Him, adore Him wherever you are. He alone is worthy of all praise. He will do this for you and for me...
1. He will take all hunger from your troubled soul.
2. He will...
Jesus eternal promise is that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He knows your pain, your sorrow, all the tears you shed He is counting and wants to send comfort and blessings and healing. Trust His word. Believe everything He saidl. In My Fathers house are many mansions. I am going...