entire family life

  1. Jesussaves89

    PLEASe LorD JEsus Christ i BEg you ...

    PLEASe LorD JEsus Christ i BEg you to itnervene mightily in my life and in my entire fmaily life and everyoen life in a healign way. I NEed oyu rhelaing. I need you love. PLASE i am at my lowest low. NEED HELP NEED HELP HEELP I BEG YOU LORD JEus Christ pleas eheal my grandma.PLEASE I BEG You...
  2. Kytynac

    1,Oh Lord heal me from the sprit ...

    1,Oh Lord heal me from the sprit of fear and anxiety so I can drive my own car. 2, every embargle placed on our lives finicice ,academic,spiritually , business, health, job be broken in the name of Jesus. 3,every evil sprit of rising and falling in my life, in my husband life ,and my daughters...
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