entire family bloodline

  1. Jesussaves89

    can you pelas epray tha tmy grandma ...

    can you pelas epray tha tmy grandma kidneys work well and that the lor dotuches her strognly with His holy spirit an dhela sher. she has been bedridden for year.s can you also pray that her kidneys work properly tha the rhear tis heale dif she has congestive heart problems. pelas epray for her...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lor dplease do all in yur power ...

    Lor dplease do all in yur power to save my famiyl with your salvaiton to have merc yon our isns to heal all ours isckness and disease.. pelase take away everyhtign form ym entire fmaily blood line that twould precen tus form servign oyu with tall devotin praise for oyu are worth Lord. thank OYu...
  3. Jesussaves89

    Lor dplease destroy the work fo the ...

    Lor dplease destroy the work fo the deivl in my fmaily life. please release my entire fmaily bloodlien form all satanic captivits form witschcraft form all eivl spirits int he nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. please pray that if the Lord has a spouse for me that the Lor diwll be the One His spirit...
  4. Jesussaves89

    Lord pleas ehave mercy and rstor eme ...

    Lord pleas ehave mercy and rstor eme and my fmialy bakc to life. Lor di need oyu so bad. i pray oyu help me. pelase take away the cuas eof my health issues and for al my fmialy too. please Lor di need oyu. please give me and my fmaily helaign inoru bodies .thanky ou for ally our helaign touches...
  5. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me i have been ...

    pleas epray for me i have been sufferign for illnesses for several years. Lor dplease take full control ove rmy body .Let Your Will bedoen in my body, By His stripe si am healed. please dleive rme formt he enemxy in every way Lor dplease. also please dleive rmy grandma form the enem yin eevry...
  6. Jesussaves89

    please pray for me and my famiyl ...

    please pray for me and my family to be delivered of flesh eating bacteria. please pray my entire family bloodline belive in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord saves them with HIs power and holy blood. pleas pray my grandma is healed by the Lord form all manner rof sickness and disease and the...
  7. Jesussaves89

    please pray for my grandma to eb ...

    please pray for my grandma to eb delivere dof all flesh eating bacteria in eeveryway and for the Lord ot have mercy and heal her body in every way including high blood pressure metabolic problems high blood sugar mascuel atropyh and compelte dleiveranc eof felsh eatign bacteria. my fmialy has...
  8. Jesussaves89

    a relativ eo fmien with aspergs causes ...

    a relativ eo fmien with aspergs causes em severe sevre anxiety. i pray God help me to nto le tme fall apart. also my bedridden granda need s better care an di have nyxiety becaus htis relativ eo fmien speaks so loudly an dinterpret it as being mean and i t jsut casuign me so mcuh anxiety. pelas...
  9. Jesussaves89

    please pray fo rmy fmaily t be ...

    please pray fo rmy fmaily t be delivered of streptecocous flesh eating bacteria. dleivered of all tumors cancer viruses nomroe flehs eaitgn bacteria.. no mroe genticly linked flesh eatign bacteria no more gouts tartar no mroe strepteccoucous flehs eaitgn bacteria.. SOS. please my grandm aha...
  10. Jesussaves89

    Lord pleas ebe with me i need ...

    Lord pleas ebe with me i need your help i need to do the following.please pleas ehelp me concentrate pleas epleas ehelp me ge tthe tasks doen wihtout worrying about things i hav eno control over peas ehal my teeth Lord. please heal my kidneys and please bring full restoration to mny mind and...
  11. Jesussaves89

    Praise report: I recieved lto sof healign ...

    Praise report: I recieved lto sof healign on ymflesh after several years of beign very ill!! pleas epray my fmaily is free form fleshe ating bacteria flesh eatign bacteria leave me entire family bloodline int henameo fthe Lord Jeus Christ includign periodontisis disease osteoporosis kidney...
  12. Jesussaves89

    Lor di cofness i failed oyu over ...

    Lor di cofness i failed oyu over an dover and been payivn g heavy consequences askign oyu to help me repent and returnt o YOu fully with trust that oyu really can help heal and restrore my fmialy and oru brokenbodies. Lord pleas ehal all who have been accidents and been throguh trauma.Lord you...
  13. Jesussaves89

    I am asking for prayers for my ...

    I am asking for prayers for my fmialy to be dleivere dof all sickness and disease specifically flesh eatign streptecousou bacteria blood disease diabetes circulation and also dleivere dof all neurolicl ( aspergers autism) type of disorder isn my fmaily bloodline. My grandma needs heling from...
  14. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
  15. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
  16. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
  17. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
  18. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
  19. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
  20. Kaghel

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné ...

    please contine to pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmaothe to be healed of allillness and sickness. i praise God for the last week or so she has shownimprovment. thanky ou somuchf r your prayers. pelase ocntiue to pray that she is heale dof weak heart heart failue and organ failure demntia...
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