Prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor(s) that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer that the courts see the issue and rule against this neighbor. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance...
Prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor(s) that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer that the courts see the issue and rule against this neighbor. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance...
Prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer that the courts see the issue and rule against this neighbor. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance...
Prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer that the courts see the issue and rule against this neighbor. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance...
Prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer that the courts see the issue and rule against this neighbor. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance...
Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance, etc.... that all prayers be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes and removes a very wicked and dangerous neighbor that is putting the entire block at risk. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance... that all prayers be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
🎯 Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes and remove a very wicked neighbor that is putting the entire block in danger. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance... that all prayers be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
🎯 Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes and remove a very wicked neighbor that is putting the entire block in danger. Prayer for their salvation and deliverance... that all prayers be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.