enrique iglesias

  1. Shaalkaari

    It is over to many vibes have been stolen

    It is over to many vibes have been stolen. Some people just aren’t meant to be near me or in my lifetime. The phone I just bought even doesn’t work properly if it’s not one it’s the other. I have came to the conclusion there is absolutely no way I can go back to ever where I was with any of the...
  2. Anonymous

    God Almighty won

    Life in God ALMIGHTY won in ENRIQUE Iglesias Spirit Andy Myles Hass Enrique and Joey Riley Spirit let them live Jesus Today easily Life in let them enjoy the sun our and not desire anything that could hurt them just easily GRACE is SUFFICIENT for all things easily into existence with the blood...
  3. Anonymous

    Life in I get to be happy ...

    Life in I get to be happy dreams come true Easily everyone can breathe near me that's in God's will forever ENRIQUE Iglesias is well always myself our families mates pets the planet people no chaos in our lives easily always that's it that's alllllll Bind Verse Deut28 13 Easily we are not the...
  4. Pylmarr

    Husband of the Lord has a healing ...Bind Mark 10:99:10LetnomanseperatewhatGodordainednooneisonewithmyHusbandoftgeLordirmethatshouldntbevictionsnow

    Husband of the Lord has a healing that's a good thing for me and I have a healing to be able to be with him. Gods will in my life I didn't ever get a text from Myles Hass Enrique even Enrique Iglesias. Let the truth Gods truth come forth no more lies confusion stealing robbing nothing makes it...
  5. Holand

    No more tears

    No more tears I easily get my stuff from the last place and move it to the new place now no more going without. Rick Roy isn't trying to block me stope or come against me. I get find my purse w my license and food stamp card. No more tears for myself Dog Enrique John 10/Diaz Thieves No more...
  6. Avlich

    Everyone can breathe greatly near me my ...

    Everyone can breathe greatly near me my family mates that r a good thing. John Diaz no thieves follow me .I get w someone very attractive not someone without teeth unless it's Enrique Iglesias Myles Hass or Enrique hearts desires only not weapons crap negative will my orgasm energy isn't blocked...
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