enemy places

  1. Angeline

    Encouragement for all who need encouragement today.

    Lord, we pray for encouragement for all who need encouragement today. When we look at the mountains we may be discouraged, as for some they are really high. When we remember Your Words we know the Kingdom is near. We pray Your Kingdom comes on Earth as it is in Heaven. The enemy places many evil...
  2. Angeline

    Obstacles to be removed

    Lord, I pray for the obstacles the ennemy places on my way to be removed by Your Grace. Thank You for the Grace of Prayer that removes obstacles on our road, this permits us to see Your Power and teaches us to be channels for You. In Jesus name, amen
  3. Angeline

    Prayer for the Lord to help my current need

    Lord, I pray for this spiritual obstacle to be lifted now. I pray for the Blood of the Lamb to lift what the ennemy places as a hindrance. I pray this to happen now and the Victory to come forth. In Jesus name. amen
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