Endocrine and reproductive system healthy and ballanced, regenerated, renewed.
Alll glands and organs, tubes, cells, tissues of female and reproductive organs and all glands in my body, healed, repaired, restored, renewed.
All hormons balanced.
Perfectly regular menstrual cycle (28-30 days) and period (4-6 days).
Period moderate and healthy.
Hormons balanced.
Endocrine and reproductive system healthy, healed.
Strong healthy regenerated nails. (On my hands and feet).
Totaly healthy reproductive system (lines, tubes, glands, organs, tissues cells). Endocrine and hormonal system healthy and balanced harmonious.
Also everything healthy regular moderate and normal around my period and menstrual cycle.
Please pray that my menatrual cycle will be normal. Stop the bleeding it last for to long now.
Please pray
1) for order and harmony in.my body
2) health and purufication of my female/reproductive organs
3) health and order in my endocrine and hormonal system.