
  1. Anonymous

    Help with writing job

    Please pray for help. I have to type and edit the scribbling of a very elderly ### who is trying to write and re-write chapters in a novel. His writing is not coherent, either visibly or conceptually, and I can't do it for him. Please make this collaboration go better. Thank you.
  2. dcrandjr

    Stop editing.

    Praying that our posts will stop being edited. There is a first amendment. In Jesus Name. Amen.
  3. lost_soul

    Strength on editing my dissertation

    Dear Lord my heavenly father, I am feeling drained and cannot stay focused on further readings and editing for the whole afternoon. Please grant me the energy to continue doing my best though I feel fed up. Lord, procrastination becomes a real issue at the moment a short way away from the finish...
  4. Anonymous

    Help - I think my mind is ...

    Help - I think my mind is failing. I'm in my ###'s and still working and have to do a lot of editing and research on my boss's papers, but I cannot seem to comprehend what I am reading or keep it in my memory. Part of it may be due to his writing style, but it is very difficult to keep the...
  5. Neera Neelima Tirkey

    I have reached to delhi for writing ...

    I have reached to delhi for writing departmental exam but sleep is not coming and my body is paining I have taken editing also from 11 septo 13 sep my exam is there pls pray for me
  6. Yinkosmyr

    end to editing and feedback on report

    please pray that tom Dec 14th the editing and feedback will end very well and the report will ho out and I will relax. thank you for much needed help. I will pray for you in return.
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