Please I am in dying need of spiritual Counseling, psychological counseling and moral counseling.
I am extremely depressed. It is 1:30am my time and my stomach pierces hard. It is the third day without food.
Can someone somewhere talk to God on my behalf. I wake to see a new dawn with a...
I know you are real God. Please answer my dying prayers and wishes and funeral arrangements to be the way I want to and to finally be respected and my burial place and crypt house building over my grave to have specific details. For the enemies to be held accountable in court. To be able to...
My mom has taken care of our family, especially my dad for 56 years and now we're caring for her. She has cancer that has spread and cannot be treated. She will be having radiation to relieve debilitating back pain. Please pray it is successful and she can regain her strength to have a good...
My mom has found out that she has carcinoma on her face which is just a "pretty name" for cancer. She found out after the spot started changing colors and they took a biopsy of it and it came back positive. She was pretty positive at first but now she is really stressing out and keeps talking...
Holy father,pope emeritus,all bishops,priests, nun,deacons,atheists,agnostic’s,satanists,with suicidal thoughts,thoughts of abortions,for the dyeing at this moment of this hour and not forgetting the most important souls in purgatory
Hello, I know I am being repetitive with what prayer requests to send, but I cannot but ask you all to pray for these: 1) For my salvation and for divine assistance for all the dying and for all of us throughout the rest of our futures and at the hours of our deaths. 2) For the end of abortion...
Lord our God, we seek your face and long to find you. May we find you as your people found you in times past when you drew near with many signs and miracles. May our hearts come before you in awe and trust and draw their strength from you. May many in our time seek you and receive your comfort...
Lord our God, we thank you for ruling us with your shepherd's staff so that again and again we can be refreshed and can delight in what you are doing for us. We thank you that we can have eager, joyful faith even when sorrows come, looking again and again to the good you give us. We are thankful...
Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Man of God please help, help, pray for my dad, the doctor said he has blood cancer and his dieing. Please man of God we need your prayers. His name is Mr. Innocent okwaraku. He has been to synagogue Church many times man of God. Please my senior prophet T. B Joshua.
blood cancer
country: faroe islands
emmanuel emmanuel emmanuel man
mr innocent okwaraku
senior prophet
senior prophet t b joshua
synagogue church
times man