
  1. Anonymous


    Who is the beast and dragon in revelation? I need clarity IJN Amen🙏🏾🙏🏾
  2. Sheila Renee

    Seeking the Lord Christ Jesus and his holy Spirit please save me from the spirit of fear and Satan and all the evil spirits and the serpent dragon

    Please send help to me lord Jesus Christ I pray and asknto be saved from Satan and the spirit of fear please save me from the dragon and the spirits of attack and attach to me. Lord Jesus Christ I feel things moving in and out of my body they have invaded my spirit of Jesus please save me from...
  3. Steven Bobb

    That evil is defeated

    That a certain political party who is back even pushing for ,all unGodly causing does not gain power in my nation and cause problems for Godly people."And the dragon and it's angels battled, but they did not prevail"
  4. Anonymous

    Prayers for this dragon I seen in ...

    Prayers for this dragon I seen in my dreams to release the babies and every blessing that it stole and flee from my life in 7 directions and never return praying that dragon would release everything it stole
  5. Anonymous

    Dragon begone dragon be gone! Is what ...

    Dragon begone dragon be gone! Is what they chanted during the moon eclipse so awesome! And we say dragon Be Gone! In all our lives and love ones deliver them to Your Saving Grace my Lord and from themselves and the chains of Deceit from the enemy are broken and cast down from them. And them...
  6. csaaphill

    Revelation 16:13 “And I saw three unclean ...

    Revelation 16:13 “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” you will hear if you listen a voice that sounds like a Frog. Video link
  7. csaaphill

    Ok now grant me oh lord my ...

    Ok now grant me oh lord my requests that the heathen around me be not prosperous in what they seek to do to me or say. I also ask that my quest to gain a investigator be fruitful. While Revelations makes mention that the Dragon will overcome the Saints this does not mean all will it just means...
  8. Steven Bobb

    There's a battle between 2 forces in ...

    There's a battle between 2 forces in my life going on.I know which one I want to win. May it. "And war broke out in Heaven . Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and its angels, and the dragon fought, but it did not prevail." Amen.
  9. Glispynla

    Still swimming in a pool of debts ...

    Still swimming in a pool of debts creating a lot of discouragement. Pray that this dragon dies never to visit me or my beloved relatives in Jesus name.
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