door dash

  1. Justbecause5

    Alaska / New Year…

    Yesterday (1/1) was a rough day. I was sick and it was difficult keeping the car warm when -23F outside. I live in the shelter and it’s closed from 9-5 pm so I stay in my van. I was able to finally get the strength to do some door dash. I made ~ $50 in 1 hour. So thankful for DD. I then ate...
  2. Bemenra

    Alaska Update / Wisdom ?

    God granted your prayers; he gave me strength. I was able to go work door-dash and make $204 ($30/hr). Thank God. Thank You for praying. It almost didn’t happen as I left the shelter ~ 6:30 am and -8F; I bought coffee then slept in the van till 9:30 am. I had no strength. The last thing I wanted...
  3. Bemenra

    Alaska / Prayers

    First, thank you for each and every prayer. I am grateful, truly grateful. It’s 3:23 am, I just woke. I am so exhausted when I get back to the shelter, I pass out. When I wake, my situation comes back to me and I get very sad. It’s the reason I am asking for prayer now. I was confident God...
  4. Bemenra

    Alaska Update

    Greetings, It’s 12:38 am in ###. I continue to request prayers for the reconciliation of my family. I miss them terribly. I just woke as I often dream and then I wake. In my dream, I’m often there with them but then I wake alone. It makes me very sad. I am teaching 8th science. I am getting...
  5. Bemenra

    I need prayer

    Many of you have been praying for me. TY: I’m in ###, thank God. I’m just under so much stress. I mean a lot of stress. I surprised I’m making it. I’m alive, somehow! I’m living in the shelter, very humbling. Hotels are $###/Night. I’m teaching school and the demands are almost overbearing. It’s...
  6. Bemenra

    Alaska Update / Continued Prayers

    First, special thanks to anyone and everyone that has brought my prayer request(s) to the throne of grace and mercy. I am grateful. I believe God has brought me back to Alaska (prev prayer). I sent ~ 100 resumes all over AK, the only job offer was teaching science and coaching basketball near...
  7. BlessedChristian female

    Pray our loving God guides my eating, ...

    Pray our loving God guides my eating, sleep, dates, work & meeting Thu about my job so I do not have any accounts taken! Rescue me, fight for me & Kala! Help us articulate. Give us favor! Fight for me with fraud case and refund at door dash! Settle the fraud case this month with full pay &...
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