I already took my exam. Please pray for me that I pass, since I know I have made some mistakes and there is a 50-50 chance that I pass, therefore I need you to pray for me because I am in need. This exam will determine my career and if I don't pass I will be devastated! Please pray for me as...
Just saw this...From the frying pan to the 🔥 Fire! Sheriffs just sent a statement that they’re wanting to release almost 2000 violent inmates into our areas....as if all the burglaries and crimes going on right now isn’t enough NO LORD DONT LET THIS HAPPEN HAVE MERCY ON US NOW!🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏
Good morning Man of God. I really need your urgent prayers. Labour started 2 days ago but the child isn't dropping. Please I dont need another c section this time around. May the God you serve hear my prayers.my name is Elnat Ntchembe Mrs. The way is also not dilating it has been at 1 since...
im just so upset. i dont want to sevre an invisible God. a God who doesnt care about me. A God who only cares about himself and baout men. I dont ever hear form God, And ive tried servign faithfull.y now i am unfaithful and angry. Why are all these other people hearing form God but not me? I...
Jesus why dotn you care baout me,?? why??? what must i do for oyu to give me a dime? what must i do to have a day off?? why?? WHY ARE WOMEN TREATED LIKE SHIT ALL THE TIME??
I dotn know what to di. i am ill and i and caring for my grandma. please Jesu s PLEAS EHAL HER OR KLILL ME STOP THSI PAIN STOOPPPPPwhatevr. can please meake it so my grand,a doesnt always have diarreha?? why does she have o ALWAYS HAVE DIAHHREA AN DIT TAKES SI LIIONG TO CLEAN UP ALL THE TIME...
O lord please make me pass in my exams. Please let my result come with pass marks.This is my final exam and i don want to fail, because of Covid-19 my exams got postponed and am writing exam after 5 months..jesus 3 exams got over,3 more subjects are pending please let my exam be easy and make...
I need help from the lord i have work as a civic engeneer for good 8yrs but i dont achive anything or lord i am falling down pls lead me up. I knw you' answer my prayer in jesus name amen.
Oír Father in Heaven the Kingdom May come Halloween be your Name. Your Kingdom come. Your will be done as in Heaven so in Earth. Give us oír Daily Bread. Forgive us our Sins Andforgive Those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But DELiVER US FROM EVIL For the kingdom the Glory and...
i pray God will show himslef ot me. I am ver ylonely, ver yoverworked careigiver. i dotn belive that God shoudl allow people to be so neglected. i wish i was never born becuas eof all the neglect. i really am so sad. i wish that for once i was not neglected. i dotn even want to pray anymore. i...
Please help me pray to buy a house. There is a certain house i really want to buy but all the banks cant help me because i dont qualify. I really want it. I wish i could qualify. I have been stuck without promotion for 8years now. Please pray for me.