I am a very kind person. I am always helping people and last week I gave some toys to a fellow resident from a food pantry. They were for a different resident but they weren’t home. Another lady from the building was with me when I got them. Well, 6 days later, someone called CPS on the...
country: unknown
different resident
fellow resident
food pantry
kind person
maintenance man
section 8 voucher
toy bag
wellspring voucher program
I'm a single disabled mom. I'm a domestic violence survivor. My oldest daughter & son-n-law took me & my youngest in along with our pets because the domestic violence shelter doesn't allow your pets. My only income is my disability income & social security is withholding over half. So I can't...
country: united states
disability income social security
domesticviolence shelter
mobile home
oldest daughter son
single disabled mom
I need prayer and I don't know where to start. God has been talking to me and led me in the direction that I'm in. I'm a domestic violence survivor and God has a purpose for me. I feel like he's trying to tell me but I just don't know what it is. I need prayer that God shows me what his purpose...